Our Academic Institute
Dr. Mohibullah Wahdati - Founder

Dr. Wahdati is the founding director of AINHE and a leading public health and nutrition expert in Afghanistan. He has a medical degree and over 40 years of professional experience working in technical and leadership positions for governmental and non-governmental organizations in Afghanistan, and other low- and middle-income countries in Africa and Asia. His professional endeavors converge across both community and clinical settings. Before founding AINHE, he has served as the Country Director of Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) in Afghanistan for over 5 years. His other prominent roles include serving as the Director of Public Nutrition Directorate (PND) at the Ministry of Public Health, Afghanistan and as the Director of the Indira Gandhi Institute for Child Health, Kabul. Dr. Wahdati has also led important health and nutrition work for other international organizations and UN agencies including UNICEF, WHO, UNHCR, the World Bank, Save the Children and Health Net International.