Article: Cycles of disasters in Afghanistan: The urgent call for global solidarity In this article published in PLOS Global Public Health, AINHE’s Senior Advisor, Sharifullah Wahdati, along with other authors write about the impact of recent flash floods, earthquakes and drought in Afghanistan. The article provides a recent snapshot of the risks of climate change […]
UNICEF has contracted AINHE to generate evidence on integrated immunization and nutrition in Afghanistan. AINHE in collaboration and funding support from UNICEF will provide services to conduct context-based research to generate evidence on integrated immunization and nutrition in Afghanistan. Using social listening approaches, the program aims to conduct an in-depth assessment of the knowledge, attitudes […]
IPC Acute Food Insecurity Analysis Afghanistan Latest IPC report shows high levels of acute food insecurity in 14.2 million people, some improvement in the food security situation is seen since last year which can be attributed to humanitarian and livelihood support initiatives and slightly better household purchasing power. Climatic shocks, economic stagnation, high food prices, […]